Wednesday 20 March 2013

Stand Up & Move About, It’s Good for Your Health!

The evidence is mounting as multiple studies reveal that sitting too long contributes to major health risks, some life-threatening. In fact, research shows that prolonged sitting at conventional desks can cut as much as 2 years off an average lifespan. On the contrary standing improves overall health, helps you lose weight by burning more calories (while standing), reduces cancer risks by 30%, heart disease by 46%, decreases back and neck strain, reduces carpel tunnel syndrome and boosts overall mental clarity. While specific tasks may benefit from a particular sitting or standing position, overall physical health and mental acuity is substantially increased while a person stands.  Standing facilitates optimal blood flow, particularly in combination with occasional movement that naturally occurs when we stand.  The improved circulation carries oxygen-rich blood which, in turn, stimulates cellular activity.  And while this cellular activity boosts the functioning of major organs, it is the mind that achieves particular benefit, with an outcome of improved performance in the workplace. Research found some significant benefits in standing while working for a portion of each day.  It has been found that standing alleviates stress and strain on the back, engages enzymes that burn fat and significantly increases circulation.

Adjustable Height of computer desk - your health alternative.
Adjustable computer desk to create the best of both worlds. Adjustable work tables which allow individuals to raise or lower their desk and alternate positions throughout the day. Adjustable computer desks allow users to sit for periods of time and undertake tasks that may be more conducive to sitting and then adjust in height to enable user to stand and work for some specific task or, or to simply give their body a break. 

Adjustable Computer Tables have gained much notoriety as research has demonstrated the dangers of prolonged sitting. While sitting at a conventional desk doesn’t pose the same risks as working in an industrial environment may, sedentary work patterns have been documented to play a substantial impact on such physical ailments as undue weight gain, back problems, poor vision and cardiovascular disease, among many others.
Along with the negative impacts that have been discovered by lengthy sitting are some promising solutions however. Research has demonstrated that moving from a sit-stand position throughout the day reduces health dangers by activating and engaging some crucial body functions. No longer is the contemporary office professional mandated to sit in a stationary position that the original desk model computers necessitated. Instead, by using adjustable computer tables, one can significantly improve their health just by mixing it up and moving around.

Benefits of standing to counter Obesity
Obesity has been on the rise in the western world as the workforce increasingly has become more sedentary by using conventional sit-only desks. With the advent of recent studies, it has been shown that 40% more calories are burned while standing. With the average American sitting in excess of 14 hours per day, with 60% of us essentially inactive, we only put out 2.5 hours of physical exertion in a week! No wonder we’re obese. What’s more, it’s not surprising that, with the much touted increased calorie burn while using a standing desk, many have switched to them. And calories consumed are not even the only health benefit; there are others

Increased creativity while standing or pacing
All that oxygen generated from standing at an adjustable computer desk promotes greater problem-solving skills and stimulates the creative process.  Some individuals gain greatly from pacing near or around their workstation.  It is obvious that while the staff person benefits, so, too, does the company for which he/she works.  The pay-off for businesses is a healthier and more productive workforce which can’t be emphasized enough.

Standing AND Sitting Is the Best Approach
So while there are associated benefits as well as associated risks to standing or sitting for protracted periods of time, which is best? Quite simply, doing both is the most rational approach to maintaining a healthy and balanced body. Choosing a height adjustable workstation, one that facilitates a standing desk position that can also be easily converted to a sitting position, is ideal. Some practitioners suggest continuous sitting and standing, each, to not exceed 4 hours in a day. In this way, workers can have the best advantages of both posture work styles while also minimizing any risks involved with doing either for too long throughout their day. Much has been made in recent years about the beneficial health aspects of ergonomic design in the workplace. More recently

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Sunday 10 March 2013

Never make these posture mistakes.

We all know the importance of maintaining a good posture to prevent workplace stress, strain an injury. And you may think that you are sitting correctly and maintaining a good posture for the most part in your work day, however it could be that you are making certain posture mistakes without realizing.

Make sure that you are not making these common posture mistakes –
  1. Slouching is the most common posture mistake, which should be avoided since it puts the vertebrae under more pressure, also one must avoid sitting in a way that puts the body weight more on one than on the other side.
  2. Sitting with the computer monitor to one side is also to be avoided. Even if you don’t spend all your work day on the computer, when you do work on the computer, the monitor should be to the front and not away to the side. This can cause you to twist the neck and torso at unnatural angles. Solve the problem by rearranging the desk or by using a long arm monitor stands.
  3. Speaking on the phone with the phone receiver jammed between the neck and ear is really bad practice. Try speaker phone as small percentage of your calls.
  4.  Craning the neck forward is also a no-no. avoid flexing the neck or extending the neck by keeping the monitor at the appropriate height and at proper eye level. Use adjustable monitor stands.
  5. Avoid excessive reaching. The keyboard and the mouse should all be within reach; so prevent excessive reaching since this puts pressure on the arm muscles. Make sure that the mouse is close enough to prevent excessive reaching. Use adjustable keyboard trays and Drawers.
  6. Improper position of the arms not using full arm motions while using the mouse and keyboard leads to compression within the arm, causing problems.
  7. Gripping the mouse too tightly is also wrong-use a relaxed grip instead.
  8. Avoid having the arms tilt up or down when using the keyboard and mouse – they should be parallel to the ground, with wrists straight.
  9. The feet should not be dangling when one is seated; they should rest flat on the ground and if the chair is too high for this, make sure that a foot rest is used.
  10. Static postures are also a big no-no, it is important to take frequent short breaks.